Deseret Book presents Time out for Women "2014 Inevitable Light"

Tiffany and I had the opportunity of attending 
Time out for Women in Salt Lake City, UT
which was presented by Deseret Book.

I went to TOFW when I lived in Austin, TX so I was excited to go again. This time, I was only able to go on Friday night but it still was amazing. So, if you haven't had a chance to go to a TOFW, be sure to check out their website to know when you can go.

The event on Friday started out with Sandra Turley singing a beautiful song. Then, Sheri Dew and Noelle Pikus-Pace came on stage to do a Minute to win it basketball game. Okay, I didn't realize how funny Sheri was. I always thought she was intimidating but she let her guard down to play an incredible game.

Then Noelle Pikus-Pace spoke about her life experiences as well as her career as an American skeleton racer. She really was an amazing speaker. She even gave a shoutout to the "handful" of people she was able to meet. That was me, my sister and a few other bloggers. How awesome!!! She also challenged us to make a change and set a goal.

Next, Sandra Turley and Josh Wright performed together. I was blown away by both of them. Amazingly talented!!!

Then, we heard from Sheri Dew and she mainly spoke about "wrestling with God." She gave examples of her life where she had to really dig deep into the scriptures and wrestle with the trials she was given. We must wrestle to understand. We need the help of heaven. Life is most fulfilling when we have an ongoing spiritual wrestle to understand the doctrine. Are we women willing to wrestle?

Overall, I was amazed by the talent of the speakers and music artists. I definitely recommend that all women go to at least one TOFW in their life. It really was inspiring and don't we need that ALL of the TIME? Well, I sure do and I'm grateful I had the opportunity. Thanks Deseret Book!


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